(Version française : sélectionnez la langue en tête de page).
A few words to let you know that the official Bohen Fans group has been created on Facebook, thanks to Brice Wagner who is at the head of it. Don't hesitate to join the community! !
Thanks to Market Academy, our sponsor (and our friends), we are going to make a video about your Bohen Mille-Mer(s).
Here's the idea: Are you standing in an amazing place ? Are you next to the one you love? Are you in an exceptional car? Are you flying in the air ? Are you on the other side of the planet or, quite simply, do you want to smile at the whole Bohen's community?
Make one (or more) videos with your phone or camera, or ask a friend to film you with the Mille Mer. Your videos will be forwarded to our friends at Market Academy, they will select some and include them all together in a movie.
1: Horizontal format (landscape) only.
2: HD format for good quality. If the video is too heavy, send it by Wetransfer, for example.
3: You can film your face, or your wrist if you wish to remain anonymous.
By sending us your videos, you expressly authorize us to show them free of charge on any media, such as on the internet, Instagram, tik tok, as well as on our website. You give us all the rights in order to use them freely. Videos can be modified to better fit in with others.
Also, if you have some great photos of your Bohen Mille-Mer and you want us to share them with you, don't hesitate to send them to us, I know that some of you are excellent photographers. In this case we will mention your first name, as well as the first letter of your last name.
By sending us your photos, you give us your copyrights without limits, so that we can show them freely on any medium (internet, instagram, facebook, tik tok etc.).
Last but not least, we are delighted to share with you the hands and dial of the StarDiver :